1st Edition of the Contest Welfare Artistic Mosaic 2015

Call For Entries

   Nonprofit organization "Eco Mosaic" deals with teaching – in facilities such special institutions and welfare laboratories - manufacturing techniques for making mosaics to people with mental or psychological disabilities, spreading the works they have produced by decoration of spaces such as streets, parks, walls and floors, thereby contributing to the development of the potential of these individuals and supporting their autonomy and participation in society.
   Since our founding in 1999, we have collected waste building materials such as rocks and tiles from construction sites. We divide them into small pieces, and reuse them in the creation of numerous "eco mosaics". Currently, in Japan, there are 19 welfare laboratories and special institutions that deal with such activities; installations of the mosaics, instead, number more than 240 across the country, and they have received numerous praise for having proven a forerunner of social assistance in the context of both public and private building, as well as contribution to the realization of a city where people's creative hand is more present.
  This first edition of the Welfare Artistic Mosaic aims to involve people with disabilities from the creative stage, namely the design, through to the collection of original drawings drawn up by them, and has as its aim the recognition of the profound sensitivity that characterizes these people, recognition we believe to be the first step towards greater integration in view of a more harmonious social coexistence.

  Below, the guidelines of the contest for the collection of drawings made by people with disabilities:

  1. Only original works created by people with mental or psychological disabilities who are also in possession of a valid certificate or attestation will be eligible to enter the contest.

    The theme is free.

    The evaluation of the works will occur in two distinct phases:-

    1. The works, have to be realized on an A3 size white paper (the choice of the quality of the paper is free), and must initially be sent in the form of a color photocopy (1 copy) for initial evaluation.
    2. For the second evaluation, we will ask at a later time to send us the original work.

    The winning works will be used as the basis for the creation of a mosaic that will embellish walls, floors or city streets.

  2. Entries must be submitted by 18 December 2015
  3. The members of the jury will decide the awarding of the prizes as below.
    There will not be any comments relating to individual works, including the winning ones.

    First prize: Certificate, a small gift, cash prize of 100,000 yen
    Second prize: Certificate, a small gift, cash prize of 30,000 yen
    Third prize: Certificate, a small gift, cash prize of 20,000 yen

Members of the jury:
Takaaki Hashida

President of the Association "Eco Mosaic" (Architect, Doctor of Engineering; doctorate degree from the University of Edinburgh)

Shinya Morioka

Sculptor, teacher at the Association of Mosaic (PhD from Tokyo University of the Arts)

Junno Wada

 Member of the executive board of "Eco Mosaic", teacher at the Association of Mosaic (graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts)

Kumiko Sumino President of the company "Japanese Mosaic"
Diego Martina

Doctor of Japanese Studies (graduated from the "Sapienza" University of Rome, fellow at the Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and at the University of Tokyo)

  1. Participants are required to enclose the certificate or attestation (or equivalent document) of mental or psychological disabilities that specifies address, name, gender and date of birth of the candidate. Works without such documentation will be excluded from the competition.

  2. Candidates who want to attach a comment to their work can do so, as long as it does not exceed 150 words. Such comments, however, will not be taken into account during the jury's final evaluation.

  3. The color copies of the works submitted for the first evaluation will not be returned. At the end of the first evaluation 10 works will be selected; we will then ask the ten candidates to send us the originals for the second and last evaluation. The 3 works awarded as winners, in terms of copyright, will become property of this association. The works not awarded a prize at the end of the second evaluation, will instead be returned to the authors by mail.

  4. Thereafter, this association will propose the winning works to those who will advance to us the request for the realization of a mosaic. However, it must be kept in mind that, in making the mosaic, stones, tiles etc. will be used, presenting inevitable differences in color and material quality compared to the original drawing, therefore the final appearance will be different from the original one. Hence, we ask awarded candidates to become aware of the fact that, in enlargement and adaptation of the works to walls and floors, and, or in assembling a single mosaic, different parts made by different people, may not result in a faithful reproduction of the original drawings. In addition, there is the possibility that, on request of those who will commission the mosaic, or because of budget requirements of our association, a part of the original work might be changed. Please, take a look at some of the mosaics made so far by us at the following address: www.eco-heiban.com.

    When considered necessary, on several occasions the winning works will also be exhibited together with panels of photographs concerning the construction of the mosaic etc.

  5. Works must be submitted to (also, for any questions or clarifications please write to):
    134-167 Kita, Nagereyama-shi,
    Chiba-ken, Japan
    NPO Eco Mosaic
    Tel: +81-4-7196-7678  Fax: 04-7154-1703
    Submission deadline: 18 December 2015 (the postmark date will serve as proof).

A sample

埼玉県鴻巣市庁舎別館壁画 花を積み風に乗るコウノトリガレイ船と妖精たち 2014年11月完成
静岡市石田消防本部ホール 製作参加 北養護高等部 2014年6月完成
石巻市”がんばろう石巻”「海と空へのポスト」 2014年9月完成
陸前高田市 奇跡の一本松足元モザイク 原画やなせたかし 2015年3月完成