
In August 2005, construction using Eco-Block began in Kabul's Central Park. A part of the Ministry of Martyrs and Disables building was offered by Ms. Hajia Sediqa Balkhi, a former Minister, to conduct an "Eco-Block Training Program".
Persons with disabilities, who lost their legs in the war, participated in the construction project. They were also offered artificial legs by NGO Yamato Kai.
It is reported that there are about 1.2 million disabled people due to the war. This is over 10% of the total population of Afghanistan.
The purpose of this construction was to create peaceful towns in spite of differences in ideology, tribes and nations. Persons with disabilities used their own hands to work for the revitalization of their local community after the devastation caused by the war.
This time, with the same purpose and with the participation of the disabled, we plan to extend the construction to form a "Peace Plaza". People desiring to send a "peace wish" may participate by writing their signature on pieces of marble to be placed in Eco-Block plates. The targeted date of the completion of this project is December 2010.






In Japan, as in Afghanistan, we are aiming to construct a Peace Plaza by persons with disabilities and the mentally challenged. At present, we are investigating possible offers of a place for the Peace Plaza by some municipality in Tokyo. The targeted date of the completion of this project is December 2010.






■Construction in Central Park, Kabul, and the Completion Ceremony

Center: the Mayor of Kabul, Right: the minister of the Ministry of Disabled and Martyrs( 2005)
中央:カブール市長  右:殉教者・障害者省大臣(当時)
Construction completed by people who lost their legs due to the war